
Jacob Endly

Jacob Endly

So, I’m thinking maybe this whole business is an exercise in frustration. 

First off, I don’t really understand very well how to navigate in this program. Secondly, it seems that I am and will be the only one viewing this page, so it hardly seems worth the effort.

Nonetheless, I will go ahead and add a little more about Jacob Endly, then maybe just give up on this whole proposition.

Jacob Endly, as mentioned before was born 30 Apr 1779, perhaps in Maryland, but just as likely, in Pennsylvania.  He married Mary Rabe in 1805 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania.

From Notes shared by Lela May Weaver Pierce:
It is possible that his father and mother were Melchor Endlich and Ann Maria or Anna Maria. A Jacob Endlich was christened on 19 September 1779 at the Evangelical Lutheran or Lutheran Congregation of Zion Church in Middletown, Frederick, Frederick, Mary land. Also listed was a Catharina Endlich, christened on 14 May 1776 at the same church and town.

Wherever he was born, he was definitely in Fayette County in 1805 when he married Mary Rabe.  He was there until at least  1809:

Names of persons recommended as Tavern Keepers in Fayette County at November Sessions 1809

1. James Gregg of Union Twp.
2. Benjamin Minton of Union Twp.
3. William Downard, of Union Twp.
4. Peter Colly of Redstone Twp.
5. John Sheldon of Redstone Twp.
6. Bazil Brashear of Redstone Twp.
7. John Hezlip of Redstone Twp.
8. James Hezlip of Washington Twp.
9. John Rodgers of Dunbar Twp.
10. John Keepers of Bullskin Twp.
11. Job Clarke of Wharten (sic) Twp.
12. Zachariah Wheat of Springhill Twp.
13. Frederick Struble of German Twp.
14. Jacob Endley of Luzerne Twp.,498235

By 1812  Jacob and Mary were in Guernsey County, Ohio.  There are many references to the tavern he ran there, but nothing is ever said about Jacob as a person.

Jacob and Mary had a family of nine children: Evaline Mary, born ca 1810; William H., born 12 Mar 1812; Elizabeth A., born 19 Aug 1817; Sarah Ann, Born ca 1821; Catherine M., born 03 May 1823; John William, born 24 May 1824; Sophia Lenore, born June 1826; Jacob R., born 08 Sep 1829; and George Alfred, born Mar 1831.

If I decide to continue this, there will be more on the children.

For today I will close with this nice little tidbit I found:

Historical Records / Cemetery Records
The City of the Dead: Some Facts About Mansfield’s Cemetery
Source: THE MANSFIELD HERALD: 25 October 1883, Vol. 33, No. 49

Submitted by Amy
Just north of this is a marble slab on the Endly lot, on which is engraved what is perhaps as true an inscription as can be found in the cemetery:
“Pass a few swiftly fleeting years,
And all that now in bodies live,
Shall quit, like me, the vale of tears,
Their righteous sentence to receive.”